Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Deathly Teachings of All Ages, V.2,Bk.IV: Spells of Delusion

Master, Mad Master! Am I yet mad, mad like you?

What was the first word?

It was: "disease."

I shall teach you my madness, dear child, my spell-craft of delusion:

Disease farce colt, plinth hovel freak.
Nude detriment clack: sieve which lumber.
Hearse menu torrential, back tepid leave.
Marshall bell famine! Tuba: fillet!

Will hurried shaft combine, whether at verify?

A Richard garbanzo. Amalgamate.

[This sadly completes our only extant teachings from the Mad Master, who may have ended here, having finished the lessons, or perhaps there are more to be discovered as we continue our searches. This second volume of the Deathly Teachings of All Ages is entitled: Rent Winds Speaking. The teachings that still remain are apocryphal, and the Dread Scholars who hold them now debate their release.]


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